Card Bonuses

Ultimate Cards can have two type of performance bonuses that will impact their final score:

  • Card Rarity bonus

  • Card Condition bonus

Card Rarity

Common cards are not NFTs but are hosted on the server directly. They also don't have a performance bonus like other rarities.

Card Stock

Rarities define the number of season editions of Ultimate Cards that will be minted over the course of a season (August to July every year).

Rarity performance

Cards with a higher rarity will also have a higher performance bonus that will increase the points they score each game week (see Scoring System):

Card Condition

As cards are used in Tournaments game mode, their amount of 'Tournament entries' will decrease. When the number of 'Tournament Entries' for a card condition reaches zero, the card will move down to a lower condition state.

Tournament entries & Performance bonuses of each Conditions:

  • 10 tournament entries

  • 15% performance bonus.

  • 20 tournament entries

  • 10% performance bonus.

  • 30 tournament entries

  • 5% performance bonus.

  • At this stage, card no longer have a condition bonus or icon

  • Genesis special edition cards will permanently retain the "Mint Condition" bonus.

  • 15% Performance bonus.

Common cards are not NTF, are always in the Standard Condition and do not have a performance bonus applied.

Tournament entries are deducted at the start of the Gameweek.

Where can you check the condition bonus of a Card?

The condition bonus of a card can be seen at all times in the Collection or Marketplace tiles.

You can browse more details about it when opening the details' page of a Card.

Performance bonuses in play

Performance bonuses are activated in the Tournaments game mode, giving registered cards a boost to their Gameweek score.

  • Multipliers are additive (+50% (Mythic rarity) + +15% (Mint Condition) = Athlete earns 165% of their Gameweek score).

  • Performance bonuses do NOT effect scores in the Leagues gamemode.

    • This is to insure that the competition in Leagues is as fair and casual as possible while keeping the competing spirit in other game modes.

Common cards

Ultimate Cards with the Common rarities are not NFTs - but free cards used to onboard players and the entry point to our free-to-earn core loop. They have unlimited editions, no performance bonus, and cannot be traded.

Last updated